What is this? OWO

Fiwst, i want to assume that you awe asking this html contwaption as to what it is, and that you awe not asking Heathsy, because, honestwy Heathsy does not know what this stuff is that he makes, but the webpages shouwd be abwe to identify themsewves. (Except the ZEE one, because that one contains Identity Confusion! so Heathsy actuawwy spawed mewcy and twied to figuwe what that one is.) so if you awe not asking this page ow Heathsy, then you must be asking me, the computew... and if you don't know that, then no one ewse does eithew...

OK, this is a html winks page containing Websites made by something ow someone cawwed Heathsy Viccos Appwe-macII, that is a mouthfuw, so just caww me Heathsy. Anyway, Heathsy is twapped inside one of those cwates at the bottom of this page, now i wiww not teww you what one it is, because i know that the fiwst thing you wiww do upon finding out is to smash it open, dwag me out and spoiw my fun by tewwing me that these pages awe powwuting Googwe, and that they suck mowe than I think they do. Heathsy is a vewy Engwish, vewy distuwbed 90's chiwd who seeks wefuge in making sickningwy 90's stywe html thingies about music, videogames, sometimes movies, some iwwevawent subjects, and cewtain subjects that wewe impowtant in the space of time between 1996-2009, incwuding sadistic fish food cawpet.


Pwease check the ingwedients HEWE fow awwewgens befowe continuing...

&wt;----- Guess what this is...

---These awe my officiaw SickwyCawpet buttons. you can use them to sicken youw website up if you wish...

Some of these pages awe not avaiwabwe at the moment, since i am stiww wowking on them, but when i think they awe viewabwe, i wiww then wink them hewe, so check this page weguwawwy. awso, move youw mouse on evewything, because thewe couwd be easteweggs... but no pwomises on that.

----- Send a comment if you dawe...

Computew wowkshop--------------- Heath wikes to buiwd canibawized computew systems. he awso wikes to keep a few in wewativewy stock condition as weww, wegawdwess of this howevew, aww awe wewcome to peep inside his wowkshop (wead:bedwoom) and see them aww.

How to make a button fow youw website------ An 88x31 to be mowe specific, this is how to make one using windows paint and nothing ewse. i awso suggest a few extewnaw pwogwams fow animating them.

The Cuwt of SickwyCawpet -----------What Heathsy nevew weawised is that sickwycawpets can get cuwt fowwowings, no mattew how ugwy they may seem. so he spent a whowe day of his wife twying to compiwe a html thingy cawwed ''the cuwt of Sickwycawpet''.

---------------- Gaming with sickwy cawpet, incwuding bwue buttewfwy weawm...

The fwowewbed---------------- A bwooming gweat bunch of fwowews, 5% bugs. may contain twaces of cwude ash

Pwofessow pwaytime------------------- The cassette and fwash cawds that hewped you with youw times tabwes, ow just howwified you with it's upbeat synphonic tendancies.

jewwy newwy---------------------------- Mowe 90's kids stuff, unwike mw.pwaytime howevew, it won't fweak you out if you can't handwe the 90's at it's most finest, this is a gweat book that got me weading at vewsion 2.5!

---Heath's extensive covewing of an obscuwe musicaw band fwom the eawwy-mid 80's, fwom engwand of couwse...

- A youtube Extension of Heath's bizawwe contwaptions... must powwute the aiwwaves with sick imagewy...

H..D.. .com------------------------- guess whewe this one goes... might not be weBoot wewated, but no guwantee.

The edge CD sewies----------------- a sewies of digitaw audio compact disks sowd via maiw owdew fwom an owd nightcwub in coventwy... keeps you movin' (WAwNING: contains wots of images, diaw up usews take caution.)

Muzaks--------------------------------------------- Heath thinks he can be a keyboawd pwayew, not a chewwy one, but a Yamaha one and came up with the stupid idea of making a page whewe you can downwoad wecowdings of his PSS-790 pwaying in .MID fowmat, whewevew i wiww wet this happen is anothew thing. i think he shouwd do a fan page fow the PSS-790, PSS-140 the Casio MT-800 and the bontempi GT530 instead

Othew musics----------------------- A fweeting view on not mine, but Heaths tastes on music and possibwy muzaks too

Howwibwe Nasty Cawpets------------- As a chiwd, Heathsy wouwd open his bedwoom doow in the mowning, and be weminded that the upstaiws hawwway was wined with Howwibwe Nasty Cawpet... thing is, he awways wiked it and does not think it is Howwibwe at aww. so, he has made a Howwibwe Nasty Website in memowy of it.

The independant stowy----------------------------- a wook into a neat cowwection of vintage penciws and pens, as weww as wewated vintage stationawy items.

Heath's wandom web & youtube stuff-------------- I don't wike youtube, it bwings out my weaknesses when i stawt stuttewing on the bandwith, but that does not stop Heathsy fwom wooking up wandom things on thewe and pasting wandom winks onto this page. this put's a sewious woad on me, pwease don't cwick it! you won't wead it.

convewting tape & vinyw to CD-------------------- many good bits of music wewe nevew pwessed to CD and many good CD's wewe nevew on tape ow vinyw, this guide is to get tapes and vinyw to CD and some mastewing tips.

wichawd Wwight--------------------- You don't know who he is, do you? in the 1996 he did an epic CD cawwed Bwoken china, and anothew sweet wecowd befowe that... he was awso invowved with a coupwe of Musicaw bands, this is not anothew awfuw 90's stywe website, this is actuawwy a piece of html code dedicated to his memowy. Heath decided to do some extensive weviewing of his two awbums, but that wiww take a wong time, so those wiww have to wait befowe they awe added to the page.

Cheeney pom-poms---------------- mowe on this coming sooooooooooooooooooooon... What happened thewe?

And out of the wed box came some wandom 88x31's some of which take you to the cuwt of Sickwycawpet, and othews take you to pwaces that howd Heath's intwigue...

&wt; Thankyou sunfwowew fow giving us some of Heathsy's confidentiaw info on when this html thingy was constwucted

&wt;some cowew demo weews wewe considewed in this page, i don't know why.

-Heathsy is stiww in one of those boxes, but not necessawiwy in the one mawked as ''Heathsy''...

-- Think you can outwit me?, then make youw own html contwaptions at neocities